Newsletter subscription


  • Calendar
    1. 03 December 2024 at 18:30 - Paris
      Conference/debate: "Agrivoltaïsme en France: entre la production d'énergie et la...

      Conference-debate organized by Ponts Transition Ecologique and Agros Durable "Agrivoltaics in France: between energy production and soil protection". Against a backdrop of...

    2. 18 November 2024 at 19:00 - Paris
      Conference with Christophe de Charentenay on retrofitting electric vehicles

      Groupe Ponts Ecological Transition conference on November 18, October at 7pm at the Maison des Ponts in face-to-face or distance learning format. on the subject of...

    3. 25 September 2024 at 17:45
      France's competitiveness in H2: opportunities or risks for our industries?

      Hydrogen Industry Competitiveness

    4. 24 September 2024 at 12:30
      Webinar: Improve your efficiency, manage your time and stress on a daily basis

      In today's professional world, one of the major challenges for many of us is to move from a feeling of time suffered to a feeling oftime chosen, and to face our workload with...

    5. 16 September 2024 at 19:00 - Paris
      Ponts Industrie conference: towards a revival of the metallurgical and mining...

      On September 16 at 7pm, we'll be delighted to welcome Bruno Jacquemin, General Delegate of the Association des Minerais, Minéraux et Métaux, and Maxime Lazard, Deputy General...

    6. 26 June 2024 at 08:30 - Paris
      Breakfast/Conference: Le Cy

      The X-Ponts Pierre group invites you to a Breakfast / Conference Theme: The 2024 Cycle of International Conferences of the Specialized Master in Real Estate and...

    7. 28 May 2024 at 18:30 - Paris
      What are the challenges of Europe-Africa cooperation for a successful ecological...

      Cooperation; Ecological transition; International development; Financing sustainable development

    8. 13 May 2024 at 18:30 - Paris
      Urban mobility without design

      Mobility; Transport; Cities; Design

    9. 22 April 2024 at 19:00 - Paris
      Is the Green Pact sustainable and bankable?

      Conference-debate co-organized by the Ponts Finance and Ponts Ecological Transition groups Debate : "Should we revise the EU's decarbonization targets or, on the contrary,...

    10. 06 February 2024 at 18:00 - Paris
      Conference/debate "Acting for biodiversity in your company".

      Conference-debate organized by Alumni for the Planet, Ponts Transition Écologique and UniAgro Alumni "Acting for biodiversity in your company". On the program for this...

    11. 02 February 2024 at 12:30 - Paris
      Conference on ecological planning

      AITPE's Club Transition and Ponts Transition Ecologique invite you to a presentation of the SGPE's work on ecological planning, on February 2 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. At the...

    12. 31 January 2024 at 08:00 - Paris
      Creativity and innovation in AI

      From music to energy transition: concrete use cases for AI

    13. 30 January 2024 at 18:00
      A new WWTP in France, Myth or Reality?

      Electricité - France - Storage - Concessions

    14. 16 January 2024 at 12:30
      Webinar Define your 2024 objectives to succeed in your professional and personal...

      At the start of each new year, whether by choice or in spite of oneself, it's time to make good resolutions! Do you need or want change? Are you wondering about your...

    15. 13 December 2023 at 19:00 - Paris
      Ponts Industrie Conference: Airbus, a European industrial giant

      On December 13, we'll be holding another group meeting, focusing on Airbus and the aeronautics sector in general. On this occasion, we'll be welcoming Julien Puyou, an alumnus of the Ecole...

    16. 30 November 2023 at 18:30
      Careers Webinar on mediation, hosted by Valérie Pascual

      SAVE TIME AND MONEY BY CLEARING UP CONFLICTS Dealing with conflict in your company is always an unpleasant experience. Whether you're a director, manager or project leader, you haven't been trained to...

    17. 18 October 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
      Conference: Real estate and climate change: what is the right relationship to...

      As part of the : "Cities and real estate in the face of the climate emergency". X-Ponts Pierre is pleased to invite you to the 3rd real estate conference in its series on the climate...

    18. 17 October 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
      Round-table discussion on the book Vers des matériaux et procédés plus vertueux...

      Round-table discussion on the book "Bâtiments et construction en transition" (Buildings and construction in transition)

    19. 16 October 2023 at 19:00 - Paris
      Ponts Industrie Conference "Jean-Baptiste Fayet, CEO France of Terreal, an...

      On October 16, Ponts Industrie will welcome Jean-Baptiste Fayet, Terreal's Managing Director for France. Terreal is a specialist manufacturer of roofing, structural, solar and facade-decoration...

    20. 09 October 2023 at 19:00 - Paris
      Conference: Multi-network urban galleries

      Multi-networked urban galleries: What prospects for a promising investment in the face of climate change? In partnership with X-Ponts-Pierre, Urbaponts invites you to take part in its conference on...

    21. 07 June 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
      Conference: France and Europe face the challenge of sovereignty in strategic...

      Strategic metals - lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, rare earths, etc. - are critical resources essential to the decarbonization of our economy, particularly in the renewable energies and electric...

    22. 16 May 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
      Cocktail presentation of the book "Le Logement : Enjeux, crises et mutations -...

      Thierry Déau, President of Ponts Alumni,Yves Demay, AX General Delegate,The authorsAlexandra Dutheillet de Lamothe, Valérie Elbaz, Thierry Verrier and Pierre VidailhetVice-Chairmen and Chairman of...

    23. 20 April 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
      XMP-Consult : The contributions of the new wave of electrification

      Electricity at the heart of our low-carbon future

    24. 17 April 2023 at 19:00 - Paris
      Ponts Industrie conference with Jérôme Christin, VP of R&D of the Air Liquide...

      On April 17, we invite Jérôme Christin, VP of R&D for the Air Liquide Group. Ingénieur des Ponts (2001), Jérôme will present Air Liquide's strategy for the next ten years: New products and sectors ...

    25. 11 April 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
      Conference: Real estate and climate change: what is the right relationship to...

      As part of the : "Cities and real estate in the face of the climate emergency". X-Ponts Pierre is pleased to invite you to the 3rd real estate conference in its series on the climate...

    26. 04 April 2023 at 12:30
      Careers Webinar: Boosting resilience in an uncertain world

      Resilience is a set of acquired skills that help us to navigate the ups and downs of our personal and professional lives calmly and successfully. Today, mastering our Resilience is undoubtedly an...

    27. 13 March 2023 at 18:00
      Webinar : Raising awareness on climate and environment in your company

      Attend our webinar to get inspired and help you take action for the climate and the environment in your company. The aim of this webinar, co-organized by Alumni for the Planet and Ponts Transition...

    28. 16 February 2023 at 12:30
      Webinar Fitness Mental

      How to develop the 3 fundamental mental muscles needed to succeed, and thrive, in difficult times

    29. 08 February 2023 at 09:00
      Cycle 2022-2023 "Alumni on the international scene": Australia

      To close our cycle, on February 8 we're off to Australia!Please note that due to the time difference, our conference will be early in the morning! On the program: 2 Ponts graduates living in...

    30. 06 February 2023 at 19:00 - Paris
      Ponts Industrie Conference: "France's Hydrogen Program for Industry

      On February 6, Mr Lionel Prévors, head of the Hydrogen project at the French Ministry of Energy's Directorate General for Energy and Climate, will address our Ponts Industrie group. What is France's...

    31. 01 February 2023 at 18:30
      Cycle "International Alumni": Brazil

      A new conference in the Alumni International series is scheduled for February 1, and will be devoted to Brazil. Graduates of Les Ponts who have lived or are currently living in Brazil will present...

    32. 25 January 2023 at 18:30
      International Alumni" cycle: the United Kingdom

      A new conference in the International Alumni series is scheduled for January 25 and will be dedicated to the United Kingdom. 3 Ponts graduates currently living in London will present their career...

    33. 18 January 2023 at 18:30
      Cycle "Alumni on the international scene": the United States

      A new conference in the Alumni International Cycle on January 18: destination the United States! On the program: 5 Ponts graduates living in different parts of the United States will present their...

    34. 11 January 2023 at 18:30
      Cycle 2022-2023 "International Alumni": Canada

      Canada is a destination that continues to seduce our Alumni, students and graduates.Ponts Alumni has therefore decided to organize a new online conference for students and alumni on January 11. The...

    35. 07 December 2022 at 18:00
      Cycle 2022-2023 "Alumni on the international scene": The Gulf States

      Register for the next International Alumni online conference! On the program: Our panel of graduates from Les Ponts currently residing in Dubai will present their career paths and work experience,...

    36. 05 December 2022 at 18:30 - Paris
      Conference: Aiming for zero carbon by 2050: Diagnosis and possible solutions

      As part of the : "Cities and real estate in the face of the climate emergency". X-Ponts Pierre is pleased to invite you to the 2nd real estate conference in its series on the climate...

    37. 01 December 2022 at 18:30 - Courbevoie
      Evening debate: "The urban challenge": how to regain the desire to live in...

      How can we meet our aspirations to live better together in a "sustainable city"?

    38. 16 November 2022 at 18:30
      Cycle 2022-2023 " Alumni abroad " Preparing for expatriation

      Ponts Alumni and École Centrale Paris are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in a professional experience abroad. This first conference in the "International Alumni"...

    39. 27 September 2022 at 18:30 - Paris
      Conference: "Zero-carbon strategy in global real estate: an overview".

      As part of the : "Cities and real estate in the face of the climate emergency". X-Ponts Pierre inaugurates a series of 6 meetings focusing on the "real estate" part of the cycle, with a...

    40. 28 June 2022 at 18:00 - Paris
      Conference-debate "Low-carbon neighborhoods: what tools for the urban energy...

      Conference/debate "Low-carbon neighborhoods: what tools for the energy transition of cities?" at Maison des Ponts, organized by X Environnement, X-Ponts Pierre and Telecom Paris Alumni Designing...

    41. 28 June 2022 at 10:00 - Paris
      Morning debate: Where is social housing headed? Ways of reforming the French...

      Places are limited, so register now! As an essential lever for regulating the housing market to meet the needs of low-income households under affordable rental conditions, the French social housing...

    42. 11 May 2022 at 19:00 - Paris
      Ponts Transition Écologique conference with Albert Moukheiber

      Ponts Transition Écologique invites you to a mixed conference (face-to-face and distance learning) "How can we outwit our brains when faced with the challenges of ecological transition?"What...

    43. 09 May 2022 at 18:00 - Paris
      Station F workshop: Design Thinking for entrepreneurs


    44. 21 April 2022 at 11:30 - Paris
      Station F workshop: How to find your first customers in B2B and B2C thanks to...

      How do you find your first customers? When you're a young start-up, this is an essential concern: This workshop, organized by Impulse Partners (Thomas Le Diouron Civ 99) in collaboration with Ponts...

    45. 14 April 2022 at 19:00 - Paris
      Club des Ponts evening discussion: "Start-up success stories".

      What do a health insurance unicorn, Artificial Intelligence for medical interpretation and floating wind farm projects have in common? Disruptive ideas that meet their market and agile...

    46. 06 April 2022 at 19:00
      Videoconference with Nicolas Meilhan: "What are the prospects for electric...

      organized by the Ponts Industrie and Ponts Transition Ecologique trade groups

    47. 31 March 2022 at 18:00 - Paris
      Station F workshop: Operations Research and Machine Learning

      Artificial Intelligence

    48. 17 March 2022 at 12:30
      Webinar : Make the difference with a short list!

      Whether recruiting externally or moving internally within the Group, the interview process is always the same. At the end of the recruitment process, what are the decisive factors in the choice of a...

    49. 14 March 2022 at 18:30
      International Alumni" cycle: the USA

      The Ponts Alumni USA group and the Ecole de Ponts are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in the USA. On the program: A panel of 9 Ponts graduates who live and have...

    50. 14 March 2022 at 18:30 - Paris
      X-Ponts Pierre Lecture: Climate change: how are cities mobilizing...


    51. 17 February 2022 at 12:30
      Webinar Fitness Mental

      How to develop the 3 fundamental mental muscles needed to succeed, and thrive, in difficult times. What's your biggest challenge right now? How do you feel about this challenge? Mental Fitness enables...

    52. 08 February 2022 at 18:30 - Paris
      X-Ponts Pierre conference: improving the resilience of our cities and...


    53. 07 February 2022 at 12:30
      International Alumni" series: Japan

      Ponts Alumni, the NipPonts group and École Centrale Paris are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in Japan. On the program: A panel of Ponts graduates who live or have...

    54. 31 January 2022 at 18:30
      International Alumni" series: Italy

      Ponts Alumni and Ecole Centrale Paris are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in Italy. On the program: A panel of 4 Ponts graduates who live or have worked in Italy...

    55. 27 January 2022 at 19:00
      Ponts Industrie conference: "ArcelorMittal and the steel industry face the...

      On January 27, between 7 and 8 p.m., by video conference, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Matthieu Jehl, General Manager of ArcelorMittal France:- What are the Group's main plants in France?...

    56. 25 January 2022 at 12:30
      Careers Webinar: What is skills sponsorship?

      Would you like to share your skills with associations in need? Want to offer your employees a unique experience while embodying your company's values? Long-term skills sponsorship, often (but not...

    57. 24 January 2022 at 18:30
      Cycle "Alumni abroad": Sweden

      Ponts Alumni and l'Ecole are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in Sweden. On the program: A panel of 3 graduates from Les Ponts who live or have worked in Sweden will...

    58. 17 January 2022 at 18:30
      International Alumni" series: England

      Ponts Alumni and l'École are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in England. On the program: A panel of 6 Ponts graduates living in England will present their career...

    59. 13 December 2021 at 18:30 - Paris
      Conference with Bernard Blez: Ecological Transition: what can we expect from...

      The Finance, Energy and Ecological Transition business groupsare delighted to welcome December 13, from 6:30 to 8:00 pmBernard BlezPresident of Passion for Energyformer head of research at ENGIE For...

    60. 13 December 2021 at 12:00
      International Alumni" cycle: China

      the time has changed: 12:00 Paris time (instead of 12:30) Ponts Alumni and École Centrale Paris are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in China. On the program: A...

    61. 06 December 2021 at 18:30 - Paris
      Imposter syndrome - are gifted adults particularly affected?

      Do you often attribute your success to luck? Do you feel you never measure up? Do you feel you haven't earned that promotion? That your abilities are overestimated? This conference is designed to...

    62. 06 December 2021 at 18:30
      International Alumni" series: Germany

      Ponts Alumni and École Centrale Paris are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in Germany. On the program: A panel of 7 Ponts graduates who live or have worked in Germany...

    63. 01 December 2021 at 19:00
      Ponts Industrie conference: Alexandre Saubot, President of France Industrie, CEO...

      On December1st, from 7pm to 8:30pm, we'll be delighted to welcome Alexandre Saubot, President of France Industrie, CEO of Haulotte Group and member of the MEDEF Executive Council. Haulotte Group is a...

    64. 29 November 2021 at 18:30
      Cycle "Alumni abroad": Switzerland

      Ponts Alumni and Ecole Centrale Paris are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in Switzerland. On the program: A panel of 7 Ponts graduates who live or have worked in...

    65. 25 November 2021 at 18:30 - Paris
      Conference: Metropolises and medium-sized towns in the face of global warming


    66. 22 November 2021 at 18:30
      International Alumni Cycle: Belgium - Luxembourg

      Ponts Alumni and the Ecole are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in Belgium and Luxembourg. On the program: A panel of 7 Ponts graduates living in Belgium or...

    67. 15 November 2021 at 18:30
      International Alumni" series: Canada

    68. 13 October 2021 at 19:00 - Paris
      Ponts industrie conference: "Hyperpowered companies, giants and titans, with...

      Over the past few decades, giants with colossal sales and capitalizations have spun their webs all over the world: Google, Ikea, Toyota, Tesla, Huawei, Airbus... They have spread up and down the value...

    69. 28 September 2021 at 18:30
      Alain Grandjean's conference: What solutions for financing the Ecological...


    70. 08 September 2021 at 18:30 - Paris
      X-Ponts Pierre Lecture: "ZAN" (Zero Net Artificialization): Why and how?


    71. 06 July 2021 at 18:00
      Between technology, ideology and geopolitics, what kind of nuclear power in the...

      Faced with the challenges of climate change, the goal of carbon neutrality, an increase in the share of electricity in the electricity mix, and the challenge of security of supply, will nuclear power...

    72. 15 June 2021 at 18:00
      Webinar : Taking action to reduce your company's carbon footprint

      Webinar organized by Alumni for the Planet(collective launched by 22 alumni of French schools, including Ponts Alumni)with the support of ...

    73. 02 June 2021 at 08:30
      X-Ponts Pierre Conference : Real Estate and Artificial Intelligence

      The X-Ponts Pierre group is pleased to invite you to a conference organized by Denys Alapetite (X-Ponts Pierre member) and Thomas Le Diouron (Impulse Partners). Real Estate and Artificial...

    74. 18 May 2021 at 18:30
      Ponts Alumni General Assembly, followed by the Ponts evening

      Ponts Alumni Annual General Meeting by videoconference Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Program:18:30 -Ordinary General Meeting (reserved for 2020 and 2021 subscribers):-Presentation of the...

    75. 05 May 2021 at 18:30
      Conference: What vision and strategy for a decarbonized and desirable city?

      X-Ponts Pierre and its partners are pleased to invite you to at the inaugural conference What vision and strategy for a decarbonized and desirable City?Wednesday, May 5, 2021from 6:30pm to 8:15pm...

    76. 03 May 2021 at 18:30
      Ponts Industrie : On-line conference : Presentation of the Industrial...

      Industry 4.0, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, remote manufacturing, mechanics of future materials, industrial flow management... Would you like to know what Les Ponts engineers in the Industrial...

    77. 26 April 2021 at 19:00
      Ponts Industrie: what new models for industry?

      --Visio-conference on April 12 postponed to April 26 at 7pm We continue our industry rendez-vous, with a videoconference with OPEO partner Michaël Valentin: How are industrial models changing? Is...

    78. 08 April 2021 at 18:30
      Online conference with Francisco Luciano: "Decarbonizing suburban mobility: a...

    79. 29 March 2021 at 18:00
      Cycle "Alumni abroad": Sweden

      Ponts Alumni and l'Ecole are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in Sweden. On the program: A panel of 3 graduates from Les Ponts who live or have worked in Sweden will...

    80. 25 March 2021 at 19:00
      Online conference with Denis Lacroix : Preparing for rising waters: lucidity and...

      The Ecological Transition group invites you to the conference: "Preparing for rising waters: lucidity and resilience" with Denis Lacroix, futurist at IFREMER What will be the consequences of rising...

    81. 22 March 2021 at 18:30
      International Alumni" series: England

      Ponts Alumni and l'École are organizing an online conference for students and alumni interested in England. On the program: A panel of 6 Ponts graduates living in England will present their career...

    82. 17 March 2021 at 15:00
      Online conference with Etienne Klein: scientific credibility, the question of...

      The association La Tribune ENPC (Club des élèves de l'École des Ponts ParisTech) is organizing an online conference "scientific credibility, the question of representation in science". With ...

    83. 18 February 2021 at 18:00
      Online conference with the USA de Ponts Alumni group and the Ecole

    84. 10 February 2021 at 16:00
      Online conference by Pierre Legrain, Director of Research at the Neuroscience...

    85. 02 February 2021 at 19:00
      Online conference with Lucie Pinson, Founder and Director of the NGO FINANCE...

      Can finance help in the fight against climate change?

    86. 25 January 2021 at 18:00
      After the shock: from resilience to ISD reinvention?

      In the face of the crisis, the agility of IT Departments is enabling many companies to contribute to business continuity, or even to ensure their survival, and/or to seize new opportunities. This...

    87. 31 March 2020 at 14:00
      Markets, stock market ... How to make the right decisions in the current...

      Due to the large number of requests, registration is now closed. We are considering organizing a second online conference on the same theme. Online conference with Yves Tugayé...