Alumni of the Master of Railways

Organizers / Managers
The Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Mastère Ferroviaire Alumni Association (AEMF) was created in 2009. Its members now work for some thirty companies in the railway sector.
The aim of the association is to unite graduates of the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech Specialized Master's degree in Rail and Urban Transport Systems to contribute to the development of the rail and urban system. Each year, the association organizes "Les Rendez Vous de l'AEMF", which aims to create a forum for exchange and reflection on subjects impacting the rail system, bringing together all the players in the sector. The colloquium takes the form of an annual round table, providing an opportunity for debate and exchange on a cross-cutting theme.
ESMA Chairman: Marc-Georges Develter
Display map with group members
(AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberation of December 18, 2001)
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