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Transitions en débat 2024: Au pied du mur. Imagining socio-ecological futures

22 October 2024 News
Viewed 225 times

To coincide with the publication on October 31 of " Au pied du mur - Imaginer les futurs socio-écologiques" (At the foot of the wall - Imagining socio-ecological futures ), the 4th issue of the journal Transitions, the new Annales des ponts et chaussées, the École des ponts et chaussées is organizing a scientific day at the crossroads of the humanities, social sciences and environmental sciences, to examine the relationship between technology and politics and the role of public action, and to consider the implications for society of putting transitions into practice.

Thursday, November 28, 2024
9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

at the École nationale des ponts et chaussées

Amphi Cauchy

Free but compulsory registration

Starting from the observation that technological innovation alone, and the idea of a decoupling between the intensity of human activities and their impact on the earth, will not be enough to make life compatible with planetary boundaries, this new issue of Transitions considers that a major change in production and consumption systems is unavoidable, and even necessary in the very short term, given the alarming situation.

Climate, biodiversity, chemical contaminants, water resources: with their backs to the wall, the world of research and higher education is analyzing, examining and passing on possible paths for future socio-ecological futures.

This one-day event will give the floor to some twenty researchers and teachers, who will report on the research being carried out on these issues in École laboratories and beyond. It will also encourage exchanges between the authors of the contributions to the issue on questions of public action, between technology and politics, and the implications for society of putting socio-ecological transitions into practice.

The day's work will be complemented by the reflections of an artist, author of the visual fresco illustrating the issue. She will sketch out an alter visuality of the anthropic imprint, working from the École's old photographic collection.

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