Young Alumni of the Bridges (JAP)

Organizers / Managers
The Jeunes Anciens des Ponts (JAP) group is an initiative designed to complement the Ponts Alumni offering with content specifically aimed at recently graduated students and graduating classes.
To help us better understand your expectations, here is a short questionnaire.
If you are motivated to get involved in the life of your alumni network, don't hesitate to join us.
See my fellow students on a regular basis, meet people from other graduating classes to develop my network, discuss issues related to my early career... These are just some of the things we'd like to propose to you over the coming months.
The project is currently being set up, so if you're keen to get involved in the life of your alumni network, don't hesitate to join us!
Display map with group members
(AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberation of December 18, 2001)
This directory is protected by law n°98-536 of July 1, 1998, which punishes infringement of the rights of the producer of a database as defined in article L. 342-1 of the Code de la propriété
intellectuelle by two years' imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros. The AAENPC/Ponts Aumni and Unipef benefit from protection of the content of the databases appearing in this directory, in application of article L.341-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
When the AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberated on December 18, 2001, and when the Unipef Committee deliberated on January 8, 2002, it was decided to prohibit any user from:
The AAENPC/Ponts Aumni and Unipef committees are responsible for the protection of the content of the databases appearing in this directory, in application of article L.341-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
- extraction, by permanent or temporary transfer of all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the contents of their databases onto another medium, by any means and in any form whatsoever;
- reuse, by making available to the public all or a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of their databases, in whatever form.
Any user of our databases who gives, rents, exchanges, sells or lends all or part of our databases will therefore be liable to immediate legal action.