Telecoms & IT Group (French)

Organizers / Managers
Ponts Alumni's Ponts Digital & Technologies professional group brings together over 800 Ponts alumni who work in or are interested in the digital sector.
It provides a forum for exchange, notably through conferences organized at Les Ponts and more generally within the G9+ Institute.
The activities of the Groupe Professionnel Ponts Digital & Technologies do not involve any additional membership or payment of additional fees to those charged by Ponts Alumni.
To follow our group's activities, please register in your Ponts Alumni profile, My Groups menu.
Change is at the heart of IT and telecoms. Here we are, faced with evolving technologies and uses, with no one player fully mastering the effects they entail. Even the leaders are seeing their positions undermined either by competitors or by changes in the market.
On the one hand, the outlook is less and less clear due to the global economic situation. On the other hand, major social expectations of ICT are weighing heavily on the sector's economic stakes :
. job creation
. integrating developing countries into the world
. reducing social and territorial divides
Nevertheless, these dynamics represent a truly open option: they encourage the emergence of new services.
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(AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberation of December 18, 2001)
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When the AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberated on December 18, 2001, and when the Unipef Committee deliberated on January 8, 2002, it was decided to prohibit any user from:
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