
Organizers / Managers
The three main objectives of the Start-up group:
- To support start-ups at Les Ponts by providing them with an equipped room at the Maison des Ponts.
- To pool experience and put young creators in touch with alumni who are willing to give them advice
- Stimulate vocations at École des Ponts by promoting the introduction of a dedicated "entrepreneur" curriculumin conjunction with the teaching department and the École's various laboratories, which should serve as real breeding grounds.
The start-up group led by Louis-Marie Pons is made up of :
- François BADOUAL (MAS 1988), CEO of Total Energy Ventures
- Michel CHABANEL (Civil 1987), former Chairman of AFIC - Chairman of Céréa
- Olivier DUPONT (Civil 1973), Chairman of Ponts Alliance, Chairman of Demeter Partners
- Nicolas DINTER (MBA 2012), TRANSVALLEY - Incubator Manager
- Dominique de ROBILLARD (Civil 1980), Missions Commerciales et Conseil (SASU) - Chairman - Associate Founder
- Antoine GARRIGUES (Civil 1978), Managing Partner of IRIS
- Henri JANNET (IPC 1970), Chairman of BADGE (Les Business Angels des Grandes Ecoles)
- Xavier LORPHELIN (Civil 1996), Managing Partner of Serena
- Louis-Marie PONS (IPC 1984), Chairman of Institut d'Informations et de Conjonctures Professionnelles (I+C)
- Louis-Michel SANCHE (IPC 1974), Managing Director of Fondation des Ponts
- Elie ZNATY (Civil 1980), Director of Innovation, Bertin Technologies
The group's kick-off meeting took place on December 8, 2016: report
Display map with group members
(AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberation of December 18, 2001)
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