Newsletter subscription

Real Estate Group (French)

Animateur for the group Real Estate Group (French)

Pierre Vidailhet (1977 CIV) - President

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Upcoming events

  1. Wednesday 13 November at 19:00 - Paris
    X-Ponts Pierre dinner with Virginie Leroy, President of Vinci immobilier

    We are pleased to invite you to another X-Ponts Pierre dinner with : Virginie Leroy, President of Vinci immobilierThursday November 16, 7pmat the Maison des X 12 rue de Poitiers 75007 Paris Virginie...

Previous events

  1. Monday 23 September at 08:00 to Tuesday 24 September at 17:30 - Paris
    SAVE-THE-DATE Les 1ères Rencontres de l'Énergie et de la Construction

  1. Wednesday 26 June at 08:30 - Paris
    Breakfast/Conference: Le Cy

    The X-Ponts Pierre group invites you to a Breakfast / Conference Theme: The 2024 Cycle of International Conferences of the Specialized Master in Real Estate and...

  1. Tuesday 25 June at 08:30 - Paris
    [INFO-RESEAU] National Conference on Housing and Urban Development

    X-Ponts Pierre a le plaisir de vous inviter aux Assises Nationales du Logement et de la mixité urbaine le 25 juin 2024 de 08h30 à 18h00, à la Cité Internationale Universitaire...

  1. Tuesday 25 June at 08:30 - Paris
    La Matinale des Ponts : ZAN (Zero Net Artificialization) by 2050

    The next Matinale des Ponts will takeplace in a hybrid format (face-to-face and distance learning) on the theme : ZAN (zero net...

  1. Monday 13 May at 18:30 - Paris
    Urban mobility without design

    Mobility; Transport; Cities; Design

  1. Thursday 25 April at 19:00 - Paris
    UrbaPonts/Ibicity conference "The new landscape of city players".

    A new landscape of urban players is taking shape as a result of today's major transformations (ZAN, digital transition, etc.).

  1. Thursday 21 March at 08:30 - Champs-sur-marne
    Research at Ecole des Ponts: general presentation and lab visits

    The X-Ponts Pierre professional group, in partnership with theADI (Association des Directeurs Immobiliers ) and the École des Ponts Research Department, present the event : ...

  1. Thursday 29 February at 06:30 to Friday 01 March at 23:00
    30th Club des Clubs Immobilier study tour: Casablanca (Morocco)

    In 2024, the Club des Clubs Immobiliers, a unique professional association comprising 27 real estate clubs from France's grandes écoles and...

  1. Wednesday 28 February at 18:30 - Paris
    Cycle X-Ponts Pierre - Conference: New is dead, long live renovation?

    As part of the : "Cities and real estate in the face of the climate emergency". X-Ponts Pierre is pleased to invite you to the 4th real estate conference in its series on the climate...

  1. 15 December 2023 at 08:30 - Paris
    Visit HOSTA

    The professional groups X-Ponts Pierre, Ponts Construction and BTP Arts & Métiers are pleased to invite you to a Visit of the "HOSTA " project The " HOSTA " project is the result of the...

  1. 08 December 2023 at 11:00 - Paris
    Visit Station F and pitch real estate start-ups

    The X-Ponts Pierre professional group is pleased to invite you to another visit: Visit Station F and pitch real estate start-ups Thursday, November 16, from 11:30 a.m. to around 1 p.m, Station F, 5...

  1. 30 November 2023 at 09:00
    Building the territories of tomorrow: how can cities evolve?

    A conference in partnership with L'Opinion

  1. 16 November 2023 at 19:00 - Paris
    X-Ponts Pierre dinner with Virginie Leroy, President of Vinci immobilier

    We are pleased to invite you to another X-Ponts Pierre dinner with : Virginie Leroy, President of Vinci immobilier Thursday November 16, 7pm at Maison des X 12 rue de Poitiers 75007 Paris Virginie...

  1. 18 October 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
    Conference: Real estate and climate change: what is the right relationship to...

    As part of the : "Cities and real estate in the face of the climate emergency". X-Ponts Pierre is pleased to invite you to the 3rd real estate conference in its series on the climate...

  1. 09 October 2023 at 19:00 - Paris
    Conference: Multi-network urban galleries

    Multi-networked urban galleries: What prospects for a promising investment in the face of climate change? In partnership with X-Ponts-Pierre, Urbaponts invites you to take part in its conference on...

  1. 13 September 2023 at 08:30 - Paris
    Breakfast with Véronique Bédague, Chairman and CEO of Nexity


  1. 06 July 2023 at 18:15 - Marseille
    - CANCELLED - Conference - Dinner "Urban renewal of Marseille's historic center:...

    --- CONFERENCE CANCELED The Ponts PACA group is organizing a conference-dinner on Thursday, July 6, 2023 in Marseille on the theme: "Urban renewal of Marseille's historic center: environmental and...

  1. 23 June 2023 at 17:15 - Paris
    Info Réseau - Debate evening: "The future of déjà-là" Skills and training: are...

    A session of the "Festival Building Beyond 2023 organized by Friday, June 23, 2023 from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. at LEONARD, Paris 12th arrondissement The face-to-face format will give you a better...

  1. 01 June 2023 at 08:00
    Real Estate Club Study Tour

    The 29th Club des Clubs Immobiliers study tour will take place on Thursday June1, 2023 in Paris. Paris is organizing the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games exactly 100 years after the last Olympic...

  1. 16 May 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
    Cocktail presentation of the book "Le Logement : Enjeux, crises et mutations -...

    Thierry Déau, President of Ponts Alumni,Yves Demay, AX General Delegate,The authorsAlexandra Dutheillet de Lamothe, Valérie Elbaz, Thierry Verrier and Pierre VidailhetVice-Chairmen and Chairman of...


19/10/2023 - A look back at the multi-network gallery conference held on October 9, 2023

Around ten of us were there in person and twenty online to listen to Michel Gérard and Charles Edouard Delpierre 's talk on multi-network galleries. The concept is well known and a priori obvious: it's better to group together the various urban networks in underground galleries, rather than burying...

05/10/2023 - October, events galore

Ponts Alumni professional groups are back in session!No fewer than 7 conferences are scheduled for October, some of them in conjunction with other alumni associations of grandes écoles and/or Ponts pour le Climat label holders:*-*-*🏗"Les galeries urbaines multiréseaux" with Michel GERARD and...

03/04/2023 -

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