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In the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic, which is still far from being contained, proposals are multiplying in Europe to focus economic recovery plans on the ecological transition and the fight against climate change. A group of motivated volunteers is proposing to relaunch the activities of the " Ponts transition écologique " group (formerly the "Environnement" group).

What are its objectives?To publicize and discuss ways of building a more resilient and sober world, capable of adapting to future climate shocks and the depletion of certain resources.

Les Ponts is taking part in this major challenge of climate change, through its professional activities, its tradition of planning and its research.

In this context, the group aims to :

- Debate the economic, societal and individual challenges of the ecological transition,
- Present concrete transition actions, with the participation of personalities from diverse backgrounds,
- Stimulate our community's commitment and desire to act.

To achieve these objectives, the group will rely in particular on :

- Presentations by alumni of Les Ponts and the School's research laboratories, to highlight the work carried out there,
- The development of a network of professional clubs with similar objectives, in conjunction with alumni associations from other establishments.

As the issues are systemic, we will try as far as possible to work jointly with other Ponts Alumni professional groups.

First conferences:

We hope to welcomeMatthieu Orphelin for ourinaugural conference inautumn 2020: an engineer by training, he led a committed career with Ademe and then the Nicolas Hulot Foundation before entering politics. First elected to the Loire Atlantique Regional Council, he became an LREM deputy in 2017 to impose an ecological breath of fresh air on the new majority. Disappointed by the limited progress made, he left the party and founded a new parliamentary group, Ecologie Démocratie Solidarité (EDS), in May 2020.

OnWednesday December 2, 2020, we 'll bemeeting Michel Salem-Sermanet, a Ponts engineer and CEO of Efficacity, the R&D institute for the city's energy transition. In addition to the institute's work, Michel will present the "Alumni for the planet" initiative, which encourages all alumni of schools and universities to make a concrete commitment against global warming.

Join us and follow our news by subscribing to the "Ponts Transition Ecologique" group from your personal space.


The office: Manuel Astier, Lionel Jacob, Béatrice Mérigot, Arnaud Mokrani, Isabelle Terrier.

To contact us:

Upcoming events

  1. Wednesday 05 February at 17:00 - Stains
    Visit to the food waste pre-treatment center in the 93 region of France

    The Ponts Transition Écologique and Agros Durable professional groups are pleased to invite you to an exceptional visit to a food waste pre-treatment center, operated by the...

Previous events

  1. 03 December 2024 at 18:30 - Paris
    Conference/debate: "Agrivoltaïsme en France: entre la production d'énergie et la...

    Conference-debate organized by Ponts Transition Ecologique and Agros Durable "Agrivoltaics in France: between energy production and soil protection". Against a backdrop of...

  1. 18 November 2024 at 19:00 - Paris
    Conference with Christophe de Charentenay on retrofitting electric vehicles

    Groupe Ponts Ecological Transition conference on November 18, October at 7pm at the Maison des Ponts in face-to-face or distance learning format. on the subject of...

  1. 14 November 2024 at 18:30 - Lyon
    Multi-freak and inter-alumni workshop in Lyon

    Organized by the "Ecological Transition and Rhône-Alpes Bridge Engineers" group

  1. 12 November 2024 at 17:00 - Courbevoie
    Visit the district heating network at La Défense

    The Ponts Transition Écologique and Ponts Énergie professional groups are pleased to invite you to an exceptional visit of the La Défense district heating network, operated by...

  1. 25 June 2024 at 08:30 - Paris
    La Matinale des Ponts : ZAN (Zero Net Artificialization) by 2050

    The next Matinale des Ponts will takeplace in a hybrid format (face-to-face and distance learning) on the theme : ZAN (zero net...

  1. 03 June 2024 at 19:15 - Paris
    Exceptional meeting with Timothée Parrique, degrowth economist

    TheEnvironment and Sustainable Development Group , the Mines Environment and Sustainable Development Cluband the Ecological Transition group of...

  1. 22 April 2024 at 19:00 - Paris
    Is the Green Pact sustainable and bankable?

    Conference-debate co-organized by the Ponts Finance and Ponts Ecological Transition groups Debate : "Should we revise the EU's decarbonization targets or, on the contrary,...

  1. 03 April 2024 at 19:00 - Paris
    Conference: "Environmental challenges of current and future nuclear power...

    Conference organized by X-Environnement and Centrale Énergies, in partnership with Ponts Transition Écologique The environmental challenges of current and future nuclear...

  1. 08 February 2024 at 19:00 - Paris
    L'entreprise contributive - Fabrice Bonnifet's conference

    "We really want to move the business towards other models. We don't have turnkey solutions, of course. But it's human nature to push the boundaries, to go further, to take...

  1. 06 February 2024 at 18:00 - Paris
    Conference/debate "Acting for biodiversity in your company".

    Conference-debate organized by Alumni for the Planet, Ponts Transition Écologique and UniAgro Alumni "Acting for biodiversity in your company". On the program for this...

  1. 02 February 2024 at 12:30 - Paris
    Conference on ecological planning

    AITPE's Club Transition and Ponts Transition Ecologique invite you to a presentation of the SGPE's work on ecological planning, on February 2 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm. At the...

  1. 12 December 2023 at 08:40 - Paris
    La Matinale des Ponts : Metropolitan RER: what answers to the challenges of...

    The next Matinale des Ponts will take place in a hybrid format (face-to-face and distance learning) on the theme: Metropolitan RER: what answers to the challenges of mobility, ecology and territorial...

  1. 30 November 2023 at 09:00
    Building the territories of tomorrow: how can cities evolve?

    A conference in partnership with L'Opinion

  1. 28 November 2023 at 17:00 - Paris
    [Info-réseau] Conference: Redefining growth in a time of climate emergency?

    About the eventFollowing the annual " Mise en Lumière pour le Climat " round-table on COP28 and its implications for business,ACADI, C3D and the ...

  1. 17 October 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
    Round-table discussion on the book Vers des matériaux et procédés plus vertueux...

    Round-table discussion on the book "Bâtiments et construction en transition" (Buildings and construction in transition)

  1. 16 October 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
    Exceptional conference: Renault Group makes its revolution! What future for...

    Preview error

  1. 09 October 2023 at 18:00
    Webinar "How can science and technology help us tackle environmental crises?

    Preview error

  1. 26 September 2023 at 18:30 - Villeurbanne
    Multi-freak and inter-alumni workshop in Lyon: Climate Biodiversity Waste...

    To better understand the challenges of the ecological transition, we invite you to Tuesday, September 26 (6:30 pm to 10:30 pm) an evening of fun, collaborative and creative workshops On the menu: a...

  1. 22 June 2023 at 19:15 - Paris
    Paris at 50°C: How Paris must prepare for climate change

    The Environment and Sustainable Development group of Sciences Po Alumni, in partnership with its counterparts from Arts et Métiers Alumni, Ponts Alumni, ESSEC Alumni, ESCP Alumni, and...

  1. 07 June 2023 at 18:30 - Paris
    Conference: France and Europe face the challenge of sovereignty in strategic...

    Strategic metals - lithium, nickel, cobalt, graphite, rare earths, etc. - are critical resources essential to the decarbonization of our economy, particularly in the renewable energies and electric...


Display map with group members

1708 results
1708 results