Alumni planners - Urbaponts

Organizers / Managers
Urbaponts is the association of former urban planning students from the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, a total of 1,307 people in 2017.
A total of 52 classes attended the Certificat d'Etudes Supérieures, which became the Mastère Spécialisé en Aménagement et Maîtrise d'Ouvrage Urbaine (AMUR) in 1986. In 1989, the alumni redefined their association and named it Urbaponts.
The association has a fourfold ambition:
- To lead a network of urban planning professionals, including alumni.
- Adapt and promote the Master's degree in Urban Planning and Management (AMUR).
- Participate in discussions on the evolution of professional practices.
- Participate in debates on the city and urban issues.
The main actions of Urbaponts are :
- Participation in current debates on the city and urban planning;
- The organization of evening debates, the aim of which is to regularly bring together urban planning and development professionals around specialized speakers;
- Publication of a directory and management of an alumni file;
- The organization of information and exchange meetings on planning professions for Mastère students ("Apéro des métiers");
- Job hunting for Mastère students, based on active exploitation of the alumni network and the creation of a network of personalized contacts;
- Operation of a job exchange;
- Visits to sites with benchmark development projects;
- Reflection on the evolution of training, trades and professional qualifications.
c/o Mastère AMUR ENPC
École des Ponts ParisTech
6/8 Avenue Blaise Pascal
77 455 MARNE-LA-VALLEE Cedex2
The Urbaponts Board of Directors, renewed on April 22, 2017, is made up of the following alumni:
- Jérôme NICOT (02) President
- Florelle CEZE (09) Vice-Chairwoman
- Frédéric CHOUZENOUX (12) Vice-Chairman
- Marc-Antoine BARRATTO (11) Treasurer
- Dorothée BOCCARA (02) Assistant Treasurer
- Thomas GREFFIER (07) Secretary
- Clémentine ARROU-VIGNOD (12) Assistant Secretary
- Stéphane BAILLY (99) honorary member
- Clément MEURISSE (07) Director
- Myriam LAMOUNI (17) Director
- Rada BENHALIMA (17) Director
- Constantin FERRON (15) Director
- Sara CARADEC (17) Director
- Benjamin TAVEAU (14) Director
Display map with group members
(AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberation of December 18, 2001)
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When the AAENPC/Ponts Alumni Committee deliberated on December 18, 2001, and when the Unipef Committee deliberated on January 8, 2002, it was decided to prohibit any user from:
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